Since 2003, Acontermica has been dedicated to providing and installing air conditioning and ventilation systems in Malaga. Currently we provide consulting services, technical studies, preliminary, basic and performance projects, technical and expert reports.
Our line of products ranges from basic equipment to installation materials and accessories. Our company provides services for industrial, commercial and residential areas, including exterior and large space air conditioning. In order to best serve our clients´ needs, we provide specialized and continuous monitoring, in addition to incorporating all the newest and best features which guarantee customer satisfaction as well as insuring low prices, technical support, back up and guarantees working directly with representatives from the factory.
The company team includes qualified technicians who are constantly updating their training and an engineering department dedicated to giving advise and executing integrated projects as well as an infrastructure which offers the best service possible. Our work policy is based on innovation technology and I+D+i, which is always in agreement with environmental care, renewable energy and sustainable development.