Small Wind Turbine Energy

Small wind turbine energy is created by harnessing wind power through the use of small wind turbines, which are adapted for lower consumption, less than 10kW.

These small domestic wind turbines, installed on a small mast or support, generate electricity for self-consumption that can significantly reduce your electricity bill.

Depending on the characteristics of each wind turbine, the average minimum wind for good performance can vary, usually the capability of a small wind installation starts from about 4-5 m/s of average wind speed. We will use this information to plan the economic analysis, profitability, production and payback time.

Basically, there are two different types of wind turbines: the vertical axis and horizontal axis. We will present the main features, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The wind turbines with horizontal axis are the most common. They are the most efficient and economic although they do not tolerate gusty wind, weak or frequent changes of direction. They need a weathervane to orient themselves to face the wind.

The biggest advantage of vertical axis wind turbines is their ability to adapt to any wind direction. They generate low vibrations and are the quieter. The biggest disadvantage is that they have worse performance and are more expensive.

It is essential to always have a guaranteed energy supply. This type of energy production only has the capacity and power to provide the home with the needed energy for 70% of the time. Therefore, the domestic wind and photovoltaic installations are always additional features that can be added to the network.